Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Open Your Heart, I'm Coming Home

It's April.  Y'all know what month that is, right?  It's National Child Abuse Prevention Month.  I promise this is probably going to be the last post specifically focused on this issue.  I say "probably" because it's an issue that has had a profound effect on my family.  My little boy was bent, not broken at the hands of his abuser.  Someone tried to put out that fantastic little thing, that little quirk,  that little just right of Joshie-tude that makes Joshua Mark himself.  You know how he is, y'all, all off-the-wall fashion sense, wanting to be his mama, wanting to be everything around him, friendly, affectionate, loving, just Joshua Mark.  The kid who greets strangers with a hug, who says to every stranger-who-isn't-really-a-stranger: "Hi, I'm Joshie Mark!".  That kid.  Someone tried to break him, but here's the thing about that kid.  He's got his Mama's wild Irish spirit, her true grit, and the good Lord knows, her fightin' side. He bends but he's built tough, real tough.  My family, this family, me and Stomp and Joshua?  We're built tough, not Ford tough, fahk that  real tough.  My Jersey Mama is a heart of the purest gold but she's seen some tragedies in her 25 young years and one of the things that she always taught me growing up is that you never let someone break yoru spirit, you never let someone change your heart, because then they win.  So I'm teaching Joshua.  Yes, someone once spanked you across the face for an accident, baby.  But you just can't let it change who you are, Joshie Mark.  You keep being the kid with the sense of humor that makes you burst out with loud laughter.  You keep being the kid who, upon seeing an older woman looking melancholy and morose in a doctor's waiting room, simply got up in the seat next to her and held her hand, silent for more than 10 minutes.  You keep being the miracle in everyone's life.  The world needs more hearts like yours, Joshua Mark.  You inspire me to be a better person.

We here at the Sisterhood want to encourage abusers to get help before children get hurt.  That link above will take you to the national child abuse helpline.  If the situation is emergent, please, please, please,  DO NOT HESITATE to contact your local law enforcement officials.

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