I love comedy. I love to laugh. Not any old laughter will do either, it must be that deep down, side splitting, snorting, ready to pass out laughter. Today's Friday Five showcases my top 5 favorite comedians ever and it ends with a serious message.
5.Margaret Cho
Yes, I cannot help loving her stand up. Raw and kinda raunchy makes me laugh!
4. David Sleaze Punk Musician
"I'm foolin' you and you don't like it, fuck you!" Google it.
3. Billy Crystal
Comic Relief y'all!
2. Whoopi Goldberg
Jumpin' Jack Flash, Comic Relief, Burglar. Brilliant!
1. Robin Williams
Hands down my absolute favorite comedian, Humanitarian, Gamer, human ever!
We are coming up fast on Robin's birthday and the day he passed from this world. Now if you want to comment on how sinful you think his death is or go into the sordid details.... SOD OFF!
I never met Robin but I followed his career and Humanitarian work from the beginning. When he died I felt like a piece of my soul died too. Suddenly the world was just a little darker and the clouds permanently obscured a piece of the sun. He touched so many lives and that included mine. He opened my eyes to homelessness at the age of 9. I watched every single Comic Relief that I could. I was a bright child and he made me laugh from the beginning. It still seems unreal that he is gone.
I am definitely not the only person he touched but it was the way he died that broke my heart. The more the story came out the more lost and sad I felt. We were more focused on how he died than how he lived. My dear friend and sister Jennifer started White Friday on Facebook and asked me to be an admin. I was honored. You see I have fought my own battle with mental health issues in my life. I have put on the mask and smiled despite feeling empty inside. I wondered why I should hold on and keep going. I have felt alone.
I read every thing I could about Robin. I figure he didn't want his family to have to deal with the effects of his disease so he decided he would not be a burden. My grandma did that except she waited until everyone left and willed herself to die. I wish I could have made her understand that she never would have been a burden.
White Friday is our way to let people know that they never have to fight alone. We are currently in our infancy but we are always working behind the scenes to push forward. Our goals are to erase the stigma attached to mental health struggles. We do it in honor of Robin M. Williams and everyone who grieves for him. We do it to remind people that they are never a burden. We do it to let people know that every life lost to mental health issues makes this world a little darker. Whether you are the King of Comedy or an everyday person you are a star to someone. Please seek help. Please. You are not alone!